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Technical Details

Internal Resources


While inernal docs are written specifically for my X1C6, some of it are applicable to KabyLake ThinkPads. And to a lesser extent, different generation Carbon ThinkPads.

  1. Explainations of config choices in config.plist: technical/

  2. Explaination of ACPI patches: technical/

  3. Keyboard Query Map: technical/

  4. Debug EC Queries: technical/

  5. ALC285 Audio Codec Dump: technical/

  6. JackSense, EAPD, and AppleALC Patch Explaination: Issue #75/ comment by ghost

External Resources

ACPI, ASL, and Patches


The Ubuntu Wiki also has an ACPI Tricks and Tips section.


Some patches within OC-Little can be oudated, badly done, or fragmented because of different patch authors. Consider using this resource only as a reference and basic guide, not a patch repository.

Acidanthera Official Docs

  • Consider reading Configuration.pdf from the OpenCore release package if you haven't. From there, pay attention to Differences.pdf with everynew OpenCore releases.

  • WhateverGreen Intel HD Graphics FAQ: WhateverGreen/Manual/

UEFI Secure Boot

It is possible to enable Secure Boot with macOS. Doing so will require custom secure boot keys and signing OpenCore binaries each update. See profzei/Matebook-X-Pro-2018/wiki for a basic getting started guide.


UEFI Secure Boot Explaination: hac-mini-guide/details/secure-boot

Thunderbolt 3

osy has a great write-up of patching Thunderbolt 3 hotplug under macOS. See Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.